A Returning Home.

hat Actually Happens at Cowgirl Re-Union?
The name was chosen to reflect that “Cowgirl” part – that wonderful sassy, sweet, nurturing, highly capable grit innately that horse women possess, that may have been buried under responsibility, commitment to others, and a vague feeling of loss of self which is the Re-Union part…a re-uniting and re-balancing of all these pieces that make us whole, vital, alive, excited and connected.
The Re-Union is an event that pulls so many pieces together from the hearts of our incredible facilitators and here is a bit of a sampling of what unfolds (but not all) Wednesday July 23rd is arrival between 12-3 PM. Time to settle in yourself and horse/meet n' greet/groups/logistics/ opening ceremonies where we get all that ‘stuff’ out of the way to start as the sun peeks over the hills Thursday.
Each morning groups spend time with each of our facilitators:
Stef will take you through a very special, meditative and often emotional process she calls The Waiting Game with your horse. Over the years, this one piece, ladies have said, was one of the most deeply cherished, yet challenging part of Re-union. Prepare for nothing and everything.
Krista is our photographer with a passion for finding and revealing that special connection to our strong feminine energy, that glorious being that we keep hidden away with her gift for putting even the most shy at ease. She then weaves this magic through the friendship you have with your horse and creates photos of such tender love, connection and beauty you’ll be a laugh-crying mess.
Naomi is our head woo-woo, grounding, re-balancing and integrating powerhouse that creates such a safe energy throughout the entire event. She will explore the divine Feminine/Masculine concepts in real world ways, and how these energies help or thwart us and what our horses have to reflect back to us in lessons of the heart.
Afternoons are a mixture of all sorts of shenanigans that you will get introduced to at opening ceremonies but may include things such as lost shoes, skeletons, astonishing vistas, giggling, snorting, dress-up, obstacles, water balloons, cheering, quiet support, wind tearing through your hair and streaming down your face, rocks, mysteries, challenges and celebrations…
Sunday July 27, at 4ish we hold closing ceremonies with hearts full and bittersweet goodbyes (til' next year for many CGR becomes an annual Must Do to Save Sanity for many) so ladies can get back home to regular scheduled Life in time. You are welcome to stay an extra evening at a small charge.

A look inside the Cowgirl Reunion

My horse has been much more connected to me & affectionate. He seems happier. He calls to me a lot now when he sees me coming. I called him the other day & he nickered with joy, spun around & galloped right to me & put his muzzle in my hand. We've found our connection again <3

Chantel "Tilly"
Empowerment, Sisterhood & Amazing Horses. I have attended CGR a few times spaced from the beginning, right up till 2021. The organization from Stefanie is phenomenal, grounding, and incredibly easy to navigate! The entire experience has been set up to just pack your clothes, some of your favourite foods, load up the horse and move into a gorgeous facility for five days to decompress, enjoy endless hours with your horse and making new relationships that can last your lifetime with like minded, positive, happy equestrian women. It is like a retreat that cannot be compared to any others with its unique grasp of confidence building, relationship depth with our horses and just positively enjoying life without the weight of day to day living. After the five days of equine glamor, Stef and the facilitators release the group of strong, incredibly happy and positively energized women back into society at large to empower and support other women creating a beautiful butterfly effect on today's society.

I knew about the Cowgirl Reunion from it’s inception but was uncertain if this was something I would enjoy. I worried it might be a little to “woo-woo” for me but after hearing some positive comments I was ready to take the plunge and throw away my inhibitions aside and I put down my deposit. I vowed to keep my mind open and go with the flow.
And go with the flow I did. WOW what a life changing experience. Not only did I meet so many fantastic women and their equine partners but I actually got to play a little and live life for one week through a different lens. The Cowgirl Re-Union experience was a regeneration of the power from within - the Helen Reddy song, “I am women would be the anthem if I was the conductor.
EMAIL: cowgirlreunion@gmail.com
Please feel free to contact me by email. Or alternatively fill in the form below, and I will get back to you as soon as I can.